Paperless Drug Screen Portal

Authorize, record, sign and email instant drug screen results in minutes. WebCollect helps mobile drug testing sites eliminate costly and cumbersome carbon forms and increases your staff productivity.

A testimonial:

“The WebCollect software has revitalized our drug screening business. By eliminating expensive carbon forms and redundant data entry, our staff saves 5 minutes on each test we perform throughout the week while reducing errors. Our customers love receiving the professional forms and instant results. I highly recommend WebCollect to any Point of Care testing provider” Veronica, On Site Medical Services.

e-sign and email test results

Fully mobile Point of Care Testing

After test results are collected through a tablet or computer, WebCollect allows donors and collectors to securely sign test result forms, eliminating the need to maintain multiple paper copies of instant drug result forms. Simply sign, save and send test results.

agile test form interface

Customize test forms for your workflow

Choose drugs to be tested from a comprehensive database, specify validity tests and maintain a customizable list of referral partners and organizations. Create custom fields to track the notes specific to your organizational workflow.

Process Quality

WebCollect streamlines your collection and reporting work process ensuring better work quality.

Information Speed

WebCollect places information at your finger tips in a manner carbon forms cannot.

Lab Results

WebCollect allows instant results to be sent to lab or agency partners instantaneously.


WebCollect empowers your clinic to develop a workflow unique to your specific needs.

Secure and Mobile

WebCollect ensures document management and signature mobility and security.

Personalized Support

Our support technicians are available to provide assistance based on your unique needs.